3 Easy Steps to Revamp Your Rewards Program

“April showers bring May flowers”

Have you heard this well-known expression? Although it pertains mostly to the weather, we couldn’t help but apply it to the concept of rewards and incentives. The idea being, the more you nurture your rewards and incentive program now, the bigger the outcome in the future.

A successful reward and incentive program should be several things: seamless, instant, and diverse. Whether your desired business result is to increase employee engagement, grow customer referrals, or get more sales – making sure your reward program is set up for success is key. Follow these 3 easy steps and drive results with the power of rewards and incentives.

Step 1: Evaluate current program and determine your desired business result.

Are you looking for ways to incentivize employees to make healthier choices? Or maybe you’re looking for a way to reward customers for providing qualified referrals? The first step is to determine what behavior or action needs to happen in order to drive your business initiative.

Step 2: Decide what kind of rewards/incentives you would like in your program.

There are many ways to reward and incentivize people, such as bonuses, promotions, and doing a bulk gifts for employees. From branded swag to company happy hours, incentive pay, and gift cards, the options for rewards are endless. The key to a successful program is to determine what kind of rewards or incentives the people receiving them want. We’ve written about the importance of choice here. Did you know 65% of consumers feel an emotional connection to brands? Harness the power of this emotional connection by providing rewards and incentives people actually get excited about. Check out what Rewards Genius has to offer (bonus: you can filter by currency, country, and category).

Step 3: Choose a delivery method that works for your company. 

Depending on the demands of your program, choose a reward delivery method that works. We’ve found that instant email delivery is preferred for recipients because they are able to instantly receive their reward. After receiving a reward for doing something, the recipient associates the specific behavior or action that resulted in the reward – which means your program is tied in with that happy feeling. From a hands-off API integration where rewards are automatically delivered in real-time, to a self-serve portal you can log into and send custom rewards on demand, the choice is yours.

Whether your rewards and incentives program is fully up and running, needs some housekeeping, or you’re just getting started and conducting initial research, these steps will help you nurture your program and drive real results. Ready to get started with rewards and incentives powered by Tango Card? Click here.

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