Our global reward catalog is filled with 1,500+ physical and digital gift cards, prepaid cards, and payouts. With so many options, there’s something for everyone.
REI carries the best selection of top-brand outdoor gear and clothing to help men, women and kids of all levels of experience and ability enjoy outdoor adventures. Let us outfit you for skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, climbing, hiking, camping, cycling, kayaking, canoeing, travel, fitness and more outdoor activities.
REI is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this company. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
A Macy’s E-Gift Card is appreciated by one and all. With a store full of wonderful items for home, weekend or work, it’s the opportunity to get exactly what you want. Recipients can choose from Macy’s incredible selection of fashions, furnishings and so much more. And Macy’s e-Gift cards never expire.
Macy’s cards are redeemable at over 600 stores nationwide or on-line at macys.com.
Macy’s is not a sponsor of the rewards or promotion or otherwise affiliated with this company. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Nike Gift Cards unlock a world of footwear, apparel, and equipment. Gift Cards are redeemable at Nike.com, Converse.com and at Nike and Converse-owned retail locations in the United States and Puerto Rico, or by phone at 1-800-806-6453.
The Swoosh design is a registered trademark of NIKE. All rights reserved. NIKE is not a participant in or sponsor of this promotion.
An Applebee’s® Gift Card gives you tons of tasty options and at a price worth celebrating. Enjoy a delicious appetizer, like our signature Classic Combo that includes crispy Boneless Wings, Spinach & Artichoke Dip, Chicken Quesadilla and Mozzarella Sticks. Or try one of our juicy Handcrafted Burgers made with flavorful ingredients, like our Bourbon Street Mushroom Swiss Burger, Quesadilla Burger or Whisky Bacon Burger. Applebee’s offers a variety of craveable choices that are sure to satisfy any appetite! Now that’s Eatin’ Good in the Neighborhood.
Applebee’s® Gift Cards are customizable, easy to order, available in either plastic or digital formats, and can be used at over 1,600 U.S. and Canada restaurants. Give the gift of deliciousness any time with Applebee’s, visit www.applebees.com/gift-cards to learn more or contact us at 1-888-592-7753 or via email at Gift.cards@applebees.com
Applebee’s® trademarks and logos are used with permission of Applebee’s International, Inc. and such marks constitute registered trademarks or service marks of Applebee’s International, Inc. Applebee’s International, Inc. is not affiliated with this company and is not a sponsor or co-sponsor of this program. Applebee’s International, Inc. is not responsible for delivery of any gift cards promised, earned, purchased or otherwise offered through this program. Please see the Applebee’s® gift card or visit www.applebees.com for additional terms and conditions, which are subject to change at the sole discretion of Applebee’s International, Inc. or its affiliates.
Ulta Beauty offers one-stop shopping for a unique combination of over 20,000 prestige and mass beauty products across the categories of makeup, fragrance, haircare, skincare, bath and body products and salon styling tools in over 800 stores nationwide and online at Ulta.com. Ulta Beauty also offers a full-service salon in all of our stores. INSPIRE BEAUTY EVERYWHERE.
Ulta Beauty is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this company. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
A Starbucks Card can bring a little goodness into everyone’s day. Whether you want to cheer up a friend who loves her morning mocha. Or reward yourself with your favorite flavored iced tea. The Starbucks Card is a great way for you or a loved one to enjoy a slice of happiness. Redeem it at thousands of Starbucks locations. Register the Card to earn free drinks or food and other great rewards. Reload it whenever you need to.
The Starbucks word mark and the Starbucks Logo are trademarks of Starbucks Corporation. Starbucks is also the owner of the Copyrights in the Starbucks Logo and the Starbucks Card designs. All rights reserved. Starbucks is not a participating partner or sponsor in this offer.
Nordstrom, one of the nation's leading fashion specialty retailers, offers a large selection of quality fashion apparel, shoes, cosmetics and accessories for men, women and children, including a comprehensive offering of top brand names and designer collections. Nordstrom is committed to providing customers with the best possible service, and to improving it every day. Free shipping and free returns, mobile shopping and exciting new retail partnerships offer Nordstrom continued opportunities to serve more customers in more ways with a fresh, relevant shopping experience and inspiring style. Nordstrom serves customers through Nordstrom Rack stores and online at nordstromrack.com and flash-sale site Hautelook.com. Nordstrom is excited to give 1% of all gift card sales to nonprofit organizations within the communities they serve.
*Nordstrom is not a sponsor of the promotion or otherwise affiliated with this company. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Every day, more than 11 million guests visit BURGER KING® restaurants around the world. And they do so because our restaurants are known for serving high-quality, great-tasting, and affordable food. Founded in 1954, BURGER KING® is the second largest fast food hamburger chain in the world. The original HOME OF THE WHOPPER®, our commitment to premium ingredients, signature recipes, and family-friendly dining experiences is what has defined our brand for more than 50 successful years.
*BURGER KING® is not a sponsor of the rewards or promotion or otherwise affiliated with this company. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Restaurant participation may vary. BK® eGifts may not be redeemable at all BURGER KING® locations.
Our love for sport drives who we are and what we do. Every day. adidas has a clear mission: be the globally leading and most popular sporting goods brand. We are not just designing products for all kinds of sports. We are designing products for athletes. Athletes always strive for their personal best. Athletes find inspiration in sports no matter what they do. We help them to achieve their peak performance by making them faster, stronger, smarter and cooler. adidas gift cards can be redeemed in over 150 adidas Sport Performance, adidas Originals, or adidas Outlet stores in the US, as well as online at adidas.com.
*adidas is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Give the gift of delivery with a DoorDash gift card. The DoorDash app connects your favorite people with the best of their neighborhood, including restaurants, convenience stores, grocery stores, pet supplies and more. Choose from more than 310,000 local and national restaurants and stores across 4,000 cities in the US & Canada. Giving the gift of delivery allows your loved ones to have easier evenings, happier days, and more time to enjoy the people and things they love.
Please note: gift card is eligible to be used in the country matching the currency of the gift card.
DoorDash is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Please note: gift card is eligible to be used in the country matching the currency of the gift card.
Target GiftCards are the rewarding choice, letting you shop for thousands of items at more than 1,800 Target stores in the U.S. and online at Target.com. From toys and electronics to clothing and housewares, find exactly what you're looking for at Target.
Target and the Bullseye Design are registered trademarks of Target Brands, Inc. Terms and conditions are applied to gift cards. Target is not a participating partner in or sponsor of this offer.
Domino's is more than pizza! Try one of three varieties of stuffed cheesy bread, a delicious variety of Domino's Artisan™ specialty pizzas, Oven Baked Sandwiches, Parmesan Bread Bites, or Chocolate Lava Crunch Cakes. Order online at www.dominos.com for lunch, dinner, or your next occasion.
Domino's Pizza is the recognized world leader in pizza delivery operating a network of company-owned and franchise-owned stores in the United States and international markets.
Participation by Domino’s in the program is not intended as, and shall not constitute, a promotion or marketing of the program by Domino’s.
Best Buy® has all of the tech that tech lovers love. Whether you’re a video game enthusiast, a kitchen gadget groupie, or a fan of wireless headphones, there’s lots of tech for you to discover in store, online or on our app. And if you’re not sure what you’re looking for, Blue Shirts and Geek Squad Agents are here for you every step of the way to share expert advice and guidance.
This promotion is not produced, sponsored, or executed by Best Buy. BEST BUY, the BEST BUY logo and the tag design are trademarks of Best Buy and its affiliated companies.
Chipotle gift cards = instant happiness. Food served fast doesn’t have to be a typical fast food experience. Our mission is to change the way people think about and eat fast food by skillfully preparing the best possible ingredients raised with respect for farmers, animals, and the environment.
Our focus has always been on using higher-quality ingredients and classic cooking techniques to make great food accessible at reasonable prices. We also work to know the sources for all of our ingredients, so that we can be sure they are as flavorful as possible while being mindful of the environmental and societal impact of our business. We call this idea, Food With Integrity, and it guides how we run our business—the end result of which is delicious.
The listed merchants are in no way affiliated with Chipotle, nor are they to be considered sponsors or co-sponsors of this program. Chipotle is not liable for any actual or alleged claims related to this offer. The logos and other identifying marks used are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates.
Bloomin’ Brands gift cards are the freshest way to see for yourself how one card can offer so many appetizing choices. From steak, seafood to classic Italian, Bloomin’ Brands restaurants satisfy every craving. Our card can be redeemed at any of the following restaurants: Outback Steakhouse, Carrabba's Italian Grill, Bonefish Grill and Fleming's Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar.
* Outback Steakhouse is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
When you give an eBay gift card, you’re creating a world of possibilities for clients, coworkers, and the people you care about. That means whether they’re looking for something brand new, or just brand new to them, you give the easiest way to find it. And with billions of listings from over a million sellers, they can find the right item that’s right for them. Give the gift of all gifts today!
To use this Gift Card, you must have a U.S. registered eBay account, a PayPal account, and a U.S. shipping address.
eBay is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Use your Amazon.com Gift Card* towards Books, Electronics, Music, and more. The Amazon.com web site is the place to find and discover almost any thing you want to buy online at a great price.
Restrictions apply, see amazon.com/gc-legal
Google Play gift codes can be used on the Google Play Store, the official app store for Android, to purchase apps, games, and more.
See play.google.com/us-card-terms for full terms. Must be 13+ years of age, US resident. Google Play card is issued by Google Arizona LLC ("GAZ"). Requires Google Payments account and internet access to redeem. Redeemed balance is maintained by GAZ’s affiliate, Google Payment Corp. ("GPC"), in your Google Payments account. Usable for purchases of eligible items on Google Play only. Not usable for hardware and certain subscriptions. Other limits may apply. No fees or expiration dates. Except as required by law, card is not redeemable for cash or other cards; not reloadable or refundable; cannot be combined with other non-Google Play balances in your Google Payments account, resold, exchanged or transferred for value. User responsible for loss of card. For assistance or to view your Google Play card balance, visit support.google.com/googleplay/go/cardhelp. To speak to customer care call us at 1-855-466-4438.
The Home Depot helps doers do more with their time and money. From free delivery on over one million online items to image and voice search in our award-winning app. The Home Depot makes shopping for home improvement easier than ever. It’s a good time to be a doer.
*This company is not affiliated with The Home Depot®. The Home Depot® is not a sponsor of this program. The Home Depot® is a registered trademark of Home Depot Product Authority, LLC.
Find great gifts and the very best items for your home at Bass Pro Shops. Bring the rustic feel of the outdoors inside with a huge selection of Home Décor. Complete the look with Furniture and Dining Sets featuring outdoor flair that could only come from Bass Pro Shops. Our line of Food & Drink items will leave your mouth watering. Discover great gifts for everyone on your list. From Novelties, NASCAR Collectibles, Books, DVDs, Toys, Games and Jewelry we have the perfect item to make them smile!
*Bass Pro Shops® is not a sponsor of the rewards or promotion or otherwise affiliated with this company. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. © 2019 Bass Pro Shops® International, Inc. The Bass Pro Shops® logo is a registered trademark and copyrighted work of Bass Pro Shops® International, Inc.
The fluffiest pancakes. Omelettes layered with flavor. And delicious, crave-worthy combos. Whatever the occasion, give the breakfast lovers in your life the perfect gift with IHOP restaurant Gift Cards.
*IHOP is not a sponsor of the rewards or promotion or otherwise affiliated with this company. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Tango Choice products are the easiest way to send rewards, incentives, and payouts. They allow your recipients to choose from catalogs of digital gift cards, prepaid cards, charitable donations, and digital payouts. With flexible delivery options, including email and mail, you’re just a few clicks away from delivering joy in the way that works best for your recipients.
Please view our full terms of service at: https://www.tangocard.com/legal/terms-of-service. Individual gift cards are governed by the terms and conditions provided by the issuer of each respective card.
You agree that in the event Tango Choice does not work properly, our sole obligation and your sole remedy is replacement of the damaged Tango Choice for one that works properly, if you contact us before its stated expiration date.
(RED) was founded in 2006 by Bono and Bobby Shriver to engage businesses and people in the fight against AIDS. (RED) partners with the world’s most iconic brands who contribute up to 50% of profits from (RED)-branded goods and services to the Global Fund. (RED) Proud Partners include: Apple, Starbucks, Galaxy Chocolate (UK), The Coca-Cola Company, Bank of America, Beats by Dr. Dre, Belvedere, Claro, SAP, Telcel and Live Nation Entertainment. (RED) Special Edition partners include: aden+anais, Jonathan Adler, Theory, HEAD, Kidrobot, Mophie, Sir Richard's Condom Company, Square, Girl Skateboards, Bottletop, Fatboy USA and Bed Bath & Beyond.
To date, (RED) has generated more than $300 million for the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, to support HIV/AIDS grants in Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Rwanda, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania and Zambia. 100 percent of that money goes to work on the ground – no overhead is taken. Global Fund grants that (RED) supports have impacted more than 55 million people with prevention, treatment, counseling, HIV testing and care services.
(RED) is a division of The ONE Campaign. Learn more at www.red.org.
Tango Card, Inc. is not affiliated with (RED), but is acting as the payment recipient for (RED). Tango Card will donate to the (RED) $1 for every dollar-equivalent Reward Program value you contribute, less an 8% administrative fee retained by Tango Card. The (RED) will not receive your contact information and will not provide a receipt
Gift-giving has never been easier with the 1-800-FLOWERS.COM® Gift Card! Browse a wide selection of fresh flowers, delicious gourmet treats and desserts, beautiful plants, stunning gift baskets and more – and then choose exactly what you want!
1-800-FLOWERS.COM is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this company. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
220.LV Latvijas tiešsaistes tirgus
220.LV Latvian online marketplace.
Uzņēmums 220.LV nav balvu sponsors vai kā citādi saistīts ar balvu programmu. Pievienotie logotipi un citas identificējošās zīmes ir katra pārstāvētā uzņēmuma un/vai tā saistīto uzņēmumu preču zīmes un pieder tiem. Lūdzu, apmeklējiet katra uzņēmuma tīmekļa vietni, lai skatītu papildu noteikumus un nosacījumus.
220.LV is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
7-Eleven 는 보상의 스폰서가 아니며 보상 프로그램과 제휴하지 않았습니다. 첨부된 로고 및 기타 식별 표시는 각 대표 회사 및/또는 그 계열사가 보유한 상표입니다. 추가 사용 약관은 각 회사의 웹사이트를 방문해 확인하세요.
7-Eleven is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
7-11 是台灣主要便利超商之一。
7-Eleven is one of the major convenience stores in Taiwan.
7-11 並非獎勵贊助商,也不是獎勵方案之附屬機構。所附標誌和其他識別標記為每間代表公司和/或其附屬公司之商標並為其所有。請造訪每間公司網站以了解附加條款及條件。
7-Eleven is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Cửa hàng tiện lợi 7-Eleven đầu tiên ở Việt Nam được mở vào năm 2017, đưa Việt Nam trở thành quốc gia thứ 19 góp mặt trong hệ thống chuỗi cửa hàng tiện lợi lớn nhất thế giới này. Sự hiện diện của 7-Eleven tại Việt Nam được thực hiện thông qua nhượng quyền độc quyền cho Công ty Cổ phần Seven System Việt Nam (SSV) – là nơi tập hợp đội ngũ trẻ và năng động đang không ngừng nỗ lực để tiếp nối thành công mà thương hiệu này đã xác lập trên thế giới.
The first 7-Eleven convenience store in Vietnam opened in 2017, making Vietnam the 19th country in the world's largest chain of convenience stores. 7-Eleven's presence in Vietnam is made possible through an exclusive franchise for Seven System Vietnam Joint Stock Company (SSV) - which gathers a young and dynamic team that is constantly striving to continue success that this brand has established in the world.
*7-Eleven Vietnam không phải là nhà tài trợ của các giải thưởng hay có liên kết gì khác với chương trình tặng thưởng. Logo và những dấu hiệu nhận diện khác được gắn kèm là nhãn hiệu của công ty và/hoặc chi nhánh của họ và thuộc quyền sở hữu của từng bên đại diện cho công ty và/hoặc chi nhánh của họ. Vui lòng ghé website của công ty để biết thêm điều khoản và điều kiện.
*7-Eleven Vietnam is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Müşterilerine kaliteli gıda ve sarf malzemelerini en ucuz fiyatlarla sunarken, müşterilerinin tercihlerini iş modelinin merkezine koymaktadır.
While offering quality food and consumables to its customers at the cheapest prices, it puts the preferences of its customers at the center of its business model.
A101 ödüllerin sponsoru değildir veya bu ödül programına başka bir şekilde bağlı değildir. Ekli logolar ve diğer tanımlayıcı markalar, temsil edilen her bir şirketin ve / veya bağlı şirketlerinin ticari markalarıdır ve ona aittir. Ek hüküm ve koşullar için lütfen her şirketin web sitesini ziyaret edin.
A101 is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
전국 AK플라자에서 지류(종이형)상품권으로 교환 후 사용하실 수 있습니다.
You can use it after exchanging it for a paper gift certificate at AK Plaza nationwide.
AK Plaza 는 보상의 스폰서가 아니며 보상 프로그램과 제휴하지 않았습니다. 첨부된 로고 및 기타 식별 표시는 각 대표 회사 및/또는 그 계열사가 보유한 상표입니다. 추가 사용 약관은 각 회사의 웹사이트를 방문해 확인하세요.
AK Plaza is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Aldi’s core philosophy is to provide high quality, brand-like products at everyday low prices that customers can trust. At Aldi, you’re guaranteed to find great value and quality across every range. We’re one of the UK’s fastest-growing supermarket chains and we’ve just opened the doors to our 1000th store with plans to have 1,500 stores by 2025! #EverydayAmazing
ALDI is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Aldi’s core philosophy is to provide high quality, brand-like products at everyday low prices that customers can trust. At Aldi, you’re guaranteed to find great value and quality across every range. We’re one of the UK’s fastest-growing supermarket chains and we’ve just opened the doors to our 1000th store with plans to have 1,500 stores by 2025! #EverydayAmazing
ALDI is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Nabízíme přes 20,000 druhů zboží ve více než 3,700 kategoriích. Počítače, komponenty, notebooky, netbooky, monitory, televize, tiskárny, mobily, herní zařízení, software, bílou a černou techniku, kosmetiku a mnoho dalšího.
Nabízíme přes 20,000 druhů zboží ve více než 3,700 kategoriích. Počítače, komponenty, notebooky, netbooky, monitory, televize, tiskárny, mobily, herní zařízení, software, bílou a černou techniku, kosmetiku a mnoho dalšího.
ALZA.CZ není sponzorem odměn ani jinak přidruženým k tomuto programu odměn. Loga a další připojené identifikační značky jsou ochrannými známkami a vlastnictvím každé zastoupené společnosti a / nebo jejích přidružených společností. Navštivte prosím webové stránky každé společnosti, kde najdete další smluvní podmínky.
ALZA.CZ is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Alza.sk je jedinečný obchod s počítačmi, spotrebnou elektronikou, hračkami, drogériou či športovými potrebami, prevádzkujúci rovnomenný internetový obchod a maloobchodnú sieť predajní.
Alza is the leader in the Czech and Slovak online retail market, with more than 23 years of history.
ALZA.SK nie je sponzorom odmien ani inak pridružených k tomuto programu odmien. Logá a iné pripojené identifikačné značky sú ochrannými známkami a vlastníctvom každej zastúpenej spoločnosti a / alebo jej pridružených spoločností. Navštívte webovú stránku každej spoločnosti, kde nájdete ďalšie zmluvné podmienky.
ALZA.SK is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
AMC is the largest movie exhibition company in the United States and the largest throughout the world with approximately 950 theatres and 10,500 screens across the globe. AMC has propelled innovation in the exhibition industry by: deploying its Signature power-recliner seats; delivering enhanced food and beverage choices; generating greater guest engagement through its loyalty and subscription programs, web site and mobile apps; offering premium large format experiences and playing a wide variety of content including the latest Hollywood releases and independent programming.
AMC® Theatres is not a sponsor or co-sponsor of this promotion and is not liable for any alleged or actual claims related to this offer. See card for terms and conditions.
W ANSWEAR.COM oprócz tysięcy dokładnie opisanych i sfotografowanych produktów Klienci znajdą także praktyczne porady oraz przegląd najnowszych trendów. Dziękii regularnej współpraca ANSWEAR.COM z trendsetterami, blogerami oraz ekspertami z branży mody Klienci otrzymują nieustannych inspiracji do własnych poszukiwań i eksperymentów modowych.
At ANSWEAR.COM, apart from thousands of accurately described and photographed products, customers will also find practical fashion advice and an overview of the latest trends. Thanks to the cooperation of ANSWEAR.COM with trendsetters, bloggers and experts in the fashion industry, customers receive constant inspiration for their own fashion experiments.
ANSWEAR nie jest sponsorem nagród ani w żaden inny sposób związany z tym programem nagród. Dołączone logo i inne znaki identyfikacyjne są znakami towarowymi i stanowią własność każdej reprezentowanej firmy i / lub jej spółek zależnych. Odwiedź stronę internetową każdej firmy, aby uzyskać dodatkowe warunki.
ANSWEAR is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
ASDA offers a fantastic range of groceries, homeware, clothing, toys, electronics, books and much more! The ASDA Gift Card can be spent on a weekly shop or on a fashionable new outfit from their George range - your recipients will be spoilt for choice.
ASDA is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
ASOS is a global fashion destination for 20 - somethings, selling all the freshest styles complemented by exclusive content, making ASOS.com the hub of a thriving fashion community and giving ASOS audiences the confidence to be whoever they want to be. ASOS sells over 85,000 branded and own - brand products across fashion, cosmetics and gifts. ASOS provide a unique multi - platform experience that truly resonates with people that use it, with over 19.2m active users across 200 markets.
ASOS is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
With the goal of helping everyone be who they want to be, ASOS offers over 80,000 branded and own-brand products. And if you’re looking for new ways to engage with, reward and motivate existing staff, alongside attracting new employees, this is where ASOS corporate gift cards come in.
ASOS is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Je kent vast wel iemand die graag bij ASOS shopt. Met meer dan 850 merken - zoals Nike, The North Face, Polo Ralph Lauren, Topshop en meer - hebben we sowieso iets voor iedereen. Bovendien hebben we elke dag honderden nieuwe items, van kleding en sneakers tot Face + Body favo's, sieraden en zelfs cadeaus! De kers op de taart? Ze krijgen gratis verzending en retournering van hun bestellingen (algemene voorwaarden zijn van toepassing). Laat ze dus precies uitkiezen wat ze graag willen met een ASOS cadeaubon. Psst: het is ook de makkelijkste manier om te scoren met cadeautjes!
You probably know someone who likes to shop at ASOS. With more than 850 brands - such as Nike, The North Face, Polo Ralph Lauren, Topshop and more - we have something for everyone. Plus, we have hundreds of new items every day, from clothing and sneakers to Face + Body faves, jewelry and even gifts! The icing on the cake? They get free shipping and returns on their orders (terms and conditions apply). So let them choose exactly what they want with an ASOS gift voucher. Psst: it's also the easiest way to score with presents!
ASOS is geen sponsor van de beloningen en niet anderszins verbonden met het beloningsprogramma. De bijgevoegde logo's en andere herkenningstekens zijn handelsmerken en eigendom van elk vertegenwoordigd bedrijf en/of zijn filialen. Bezoek de website van elk bedrijf voor aanvullende voorwaarden.
ASOS is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
With the goal of helping everyone be who they want to be, ASOS offers over 80,000 branded and own-brand products. And if you’re looking for new ways to engage with, reward and motivate existing staff, alongside attracting new employees, this is where ASOS corporate gift cards come in.
ASOS is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Abbonamenti.it è il sito leader in Italia nella vendita di abbonamenti sia cartacei che digitali. Nel suo catalogo sono presenti oltre 100 riviste tra le più diffuse e qualificate, pubblicate dai più importanti gruppi editoriali italiani.
Abbonamenti.it is the leading site in Italy in the sale of both paper and digital subscriptions. Its catalog includes over 100 of the most widespread and qualified magazines, published by the most important Italian publishing groups.
Abbonamenti.it non è uno sponsor dei premi o comunque affiliato a questo programma di ricompensa. I loghi e gli altri marchi identificativi allegati sono marchi e proprietà di ciascuna società rappresentata e / o delle sue affiliate. Per ulteriori termini e condizioni, visitare il sito Web di ciascuna società.
Abbonamenti.it is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Give the gift of authentic American style with an Abercrombie & Fitch e-gift card. Discover your new favorite wardrobe essentials and seasonal statements, all made with quality craftsmanship for lasting appeal.
Abercrombie & Fitch is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Ace offers the resources of a trusted, national brand with the personal touch of a neighborhood hardware store. By offering a more personal kind of helpful, we ensure our customers succeed at taking care of and maintaining their home. Neighborly. Experienced. Straight - forward. Good - humored. Community centric.
Ace Hardware is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
حافظ ACE على مكانته كمتجر محلي عالمي لتحسين المنازل من خلال الالتزام بتقديم خدمة عالية الجودة وودية ومفيدة. تأسست متاجر ACE في دبي عام 1991 على يد مجموعة الفطيم، وتمارس ACE نشاطها التجاري الآن في ستة مواقع في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة بما في ذلك متاجرها الرئيسية في دبي فستيفال سيتي وجزيرة ياس، أبو ظبي – ومتاجر أخرى في طريق الشيخ زايد (دبي)، وطريق الميناء ودلما مول (أبو ظبي) وبوادي مول (العين). وكجزء من التزام ACE بخدمة العملاء المثالية، فقد حصل كل متجر من المتاجر الستة أيضًا على شهادة "ACE Helpful" بما يتماشى مع معايير ACE العالمية. وهذا يضمن عثور العملاء على أكثر من مجرد منتجات في ACE، بل يجدون خبراء مفيدين حريصين على تقديم الدعم عبر جميع الفئات في المتجر. تقدم جميع متاجر ACE تشكيلة واسعة من منتجات الحياة الخارجية، والبستنة، والأدوات المنزلية، والطلاء والديكور، ومنتجات الأعمال اليدوية، والسيارات، ومنتجات العناية بالحيوانات الأليفة. مع أكثر من 33000 منتج رائع، تقدم ACE علامات تجارية عالمية مثل Karcher، وBlack & Decker، وMakita، وClark + Kensington، وWeber، وGardina، وLeisuregrow. ويتوفر لدى ACE أيضًا مجموعة WOW الشهيرة التي تحتوي على مجموعة من المنتجات عالية الجودة بأسعار منخفضة يوميًا. تمتلك ACE حصة سوقية كبيرة في فئات الأثاث الخارجي، وأعمال البستنة، والأعمال اليدوية في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، وهي متجر التجزئة الرئيسي في الأدوات الكهربائية.
ACE has been the world’s local home improvement store committed to delivering quality, friendly and helpful service. Established in Dubai in 1991 by Al-Futtaim group, ACE now trades in six locations in the UAE including its flagship stores in Dubai Festival City and Yas Island, Abu Dhabi – and other stores in Sheikh Zayed Road (Dubai), Mina Road and Dalma Mall (Abu Dhabi) and Bawadi Mall (Al Ain). As part of ACE’s commitment to exemplary customer service, each of the 6 stores are also certified as ‘ACE Helpful’ in keeping with global ACE standards. This ensures that customers find more than just products at ACE, they find helpful experts keen to offer support across all categories in store. All ACE stores offer a wide selection of Outdoor Lifestyle, Gardening, Homeware, Paint & Décor, DIY, Automotive and Pet care products. With more than 33,000 great products, ACE offers world-class brands such as Karcher, Black & Decker, Makita, Clark + Kensington, Weber, Gardena and Leisuregrow. ACE also has a popular WOW range which has a host of quality products at everyday low prices. ACE holds significant market share in the categories of Outdoor Furniture, Gardening and DIY in the UAE, and is THE major retailer in Power Tools.
شكرًا ليست راعية للمكافآت أو تنتسب لبرنامج المكافآت بطريقة أخرى. تعد الشعارات وعلامات التعريف الأخرى المرفقة علامات تجارية مملوكة لكل شركة يجري تمثيلها و/أو الشركات التابعة لها. يُرجى زيارة موقع كل شركة للاطلاع على الشروط والأحكام الإضافية.
Ace Hardware is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
حافظ ACE على مكانته كمتجر محلي عالمي لتحسين المنازل من خلال الالتزام بتقديم خدمة عالية الجودة وودية ومفيدة. تأسست متاجر ACE في دبي عام 1991 على يد مجموعة الفطيم، وتمارس ACE نشاطها التجاري الآن في ستة مواقع في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة بما في ذلك متاجرها الرئيسية في دبي فستيفال سيتي وجزيرة ياس، أبو ظبي – ومتاجر أخرى في طريق الشيخ زايد (دبي)، وطريق الميناء ودلما مول (أبو ظبي) وبوادي مول (العين). وكجزء من التزام ACE بخدمة العملاء المثالية، فقد حصل كل متجر من المتاجر الستة أيضًا على شهادة "ACE Helpful" بما يتماشى مع معايير ACE العالمية. وهذا يضمن عثور العملاء على أكثر من مجرد منتجات في ACE، بل يجدون خبراء مفيدين حريصين على تقديم الدعم عبر جميع الفئات في المتجر. تقدم جميع متاجر ACE تشكيلة واسعة من منتجات الحياة الخارجية، والبستنة، والأدوات المنزلية، والطلاء والديكور، ومنتجات الأعمال اليدوية، والسيارات، ومنتجات العناية بالحيوانات الأليفة. مع أكثر من 33000 منتج رائع، تقدم ACE علامات تجارية عالمية مثل Karcher، وBlack & Decker، وMakita، وClark + Kensington، وWeber، وGardina، وLeisuregrow. ويتوفر لدى ACE أيضًا مجموعة WOW الشهيرة التي تحتوي على مجموعة من المنتجات عالية الجودة بأسعار منخفضة يوميًا. تمتلك ACE حصة سوقية كبيرة في فئات الأثاث الخارجي، وأعمال البستنة، والأعمال اليدوية في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، وهي متجر التجزئة الرئيسي في الأدوات الكهربائية.
ACE has been the world’s local home improvement store committed to delivering quality, friendly and helpful service. Established in Dubai in 1991 by Al-Futtaim group, ACE now trades in six locations in the UAE including its flagship stores in Dubai Festival City and Yas Island, Abu Dhabi – and other stores in Sheikh Zayed Road (Dubai), Mina Road and Dalma Mall (Abu Dhabi) and Bawadi Mall (Al Ain). As part of ACE’s commitment to exemplary customer service, each of the 6 stores are also certified as ‘ACE Helpful’ in keeping with global ACE standards. This ensures that customers find more than just products at ACE, they find helpful experts keen to offer support across all categories in store. All ACE stores offer a wide selection of Outdoor Lifestyle, Gardening, Homeware, Paint & Décor, DIY, Automotive and Pet care products. With more than 33,000 great products, ACE offers world-class brands such as Karcher, Black & Decker, Makita, Clark + Kensington, Weber, Gardena and Leisuregrow. ACE also has a popular WOW range which has a host of quality products at everyday low prices. ACE holds significant market share in the categories of Outdoor Furniture, Gardening and DIY in the UAE, and is THE major retailer in Power Tools.
شكرًا ليست راعية للمكافآت أو تنتسب لبرنامج المكافآت بطريقة أخرى. تعد الشعارات وعلامات التعريف الأخرى المرفقة علامات تجارية مملوكة لكل شركة يجري تمثيلها و/أو الشركات التابعة لها. يُرجى زيارة موقع كل شركة للاطلاع على الشروط والأحكام الإضافية.
Ace Hardware is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
adidas on tuotemerkki, jossa on ikoniset Three Stripes. Stadionilta kaduille. Kentiltä catwalkille. Adidas pyrkii aina olemaan paras, sillä on rikas historia suorituskyvyssä ja intohimo urheiluun. Yhdessä huippu-urheilijoiden ja vaikuttavien taiteilijoiden kanssa brändi yhdistää innovatiiviset teknologiat katseenvangitsijaan.
adidas is the brand with the Three Stripes, the icon. From the stadium to the streets. From the courts to the catwalk. With a rich history in performance and passion for sports, adidas is always striving to be the best. Teaming-up with top athletes and influencing artists, the brand brings together innovative technologies with eye-catching design.
*adidas Finland ei ole palkintojen sponsori tai muuten sidoksissa tähän yritykseen. Oheiset logot ja muut tunnistemerkit ovat kunkin edustetun yrityksen ja/tai sen tytäryhtiöiden tavaramerkkejä ja omistamia. Katso lisäehdot kunkin yrityksen verkkosivustolta.
*adidas Finland is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this company. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Adidas ialah jenama sukan yang benar-benar global. Oleh itu, semua yang kita lakukan adalah berakar umbi dalam sukan. Semua yang berlaku dalam sukan berlaku dalam beberapa saat. Setiap saat adalah peluang untuk atlet untuk memulakan semula dan mengambil hari ini.
Adidas is a truly global sports brand. Therefore, everything we do is rooted in sports. Everything that happens in sports happens in moments. Every moment is a chance for the athlete to start over and take today.
Adidas Malaysia bukan penaja ganjaran atau bergabung dengan program ganjaran ini. Logo dan tanda pengenalan lain yang dilampirkan adalah tanda dagangan dan dimiliki oleh setiap syarikat yang diwakili dan/atau ahli gabungannya. Sila lawati tapak web setiap syarikat untuk terma dan syarat tambahan.
Adidas Malaysia is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
један од најпознатијих светских брендова спортске одеће.
One of the worlds most famous sports wear brand.
Dexy Co Kids није спонзор награда нити је на други начин повезан са програмом награђивања. Логотипи и други идентификациони знаци приложени су заштитни знаци сваке компаније и/или њених филијала и власништво су сваке компаније. Посетите веб локацију сваке компаније понаособ за додатне услове и одредбе.
Dexy Co Kids is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Adidas är märket med de tre ränderna, ikonen. Från arenan till gatorna. Från planerna till catwalken. Med sin rika historia inom prestation och sin passion för sport strävar Adidas alltid mot första plats. Genom samarbete med toppatleter och inflytelserika artister sammanförs innovativa teknologier med iögonenfallande design.
Adidas is the brand with the three stripes, the icon. From the arena to the streets. From the plans to the catwalk. With its rich history in performance and its passion for sport, Adidas always strives for first place. Through collaboration with top athletes and influential artists, innovative technologies are brought together with eye-catching design.
Adidas är inte sponsor ay beloningama eller pà annat sätt associerat med beloningsprogrammet. Logotyper och andra Identiferande mar ken som pitogas ar varumärken sor lillhör osn àos av de reoresenterace förelagen och/eller desc dotteroolac. Du hittar viterligare mliker oa vario foretaos weoodlats.
Adidas is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Have you ever tried to gift wrap an engine? Give our gift card instead. Advance Auto Parts has complete auto care for the "Do-It-Yourselfer.
With Advance Auto Parts eGift Cards you can help your auto do-it-yourselfer friends on a project without getting your hands dirty. No need to gift wrap a transmission or engine block, either. In a few clicks your gift will be on its way and ready to redeem instantly at more than 5,200 locations in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Give the convenience of an Advance Auto Parts eGift Card to your DIY friends and relatives.
*Advance Auto Parts is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this company. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Gift cards must be validated. Please call 1 800-476-6941 prior to use to activate your reward.
Dengan lebih daripada 30 cawangan di seluruh Malaysia, AEON Malaysia didedikasikan untuk menggembirakan dan memuaskan pelanggan. Kami berbangga dengan menawarkan pengalaman beli-belah yang mesra dan mengalu-alukan, dengan kakitangan yang berpengetahuan ada untuk membantu pelanggan dengan pembelian mereka.
With over 30 stores located throughout Malaysia, AEON Malaysia is dedicated to making sure customers are happy and satisfied. We pride ourselves in offering a friendly and welcoming shopping experience, with knowledgeable staff on hand to help customers with their purchases.
Aeon bukan penaja ganjaran atau sebaliknya digabungkan dengan program ganjaran. Logo dan tanda pengenal pasti lain yang dilampirkan adalah tanda perdagangan dan dimiliki oleh setiap syarikat yang diwakili dan/atau gabungannya. Sila lawati laman web setiap syarikat untuk terma dan syarat tambahan.
Aeon is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
아프리카TV는 한국의 대표적인 실시간 스트리밍 플랫폼으로, 개인 방송 및 다양한 콘텐츠를 실시간으로 시청할 수 있는 서비스입니다.
Afreeca TV is South Korea's leading live-streaming platform, offering services that allow users to watch individual broadcasts and a wide range of content in real-time.
Afreeca TV 는 보상의 스폰서가 아니며 보상 프로그램과 제휴하지 않았습니다. 첨부된 로고 및 기타 식별 표시는 각 대표 회사 및/또는 그 계열사가 보유한 상표입니다. 추가 사용 약관은 각 회사의 웹사이트를 방문해 확인하세요.
Afreeca TV is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
La Carte-cadeau Air CanadaMD donne la liberté de se rendre dans n'importe laquelle des destinations desservies par Air Canada dans le monde. Elle peut servir à payer des options de voyage, la présélectiondes places, les frais de modification et plus encore! Vous pouvez même utiliser la Carte-cadeau Air Canada pour réserver votre prochain forfait vacances avec vols auprès de Vacances Air CanadaMD.
Pour l’achat de billets Air Canada, vous pouvez utiliserjusqu’à deux cartes-cadeaux pourvu que les deux cartes couvrent le prix d’achat total. Un seul et unique mode de paiement est accepté pour les achats liés à une réservation existante. Pour l’achat de forfaits avec vols de Vacances Air Canada, vous pouvez utiliser jusqu’à deux cartes-cadeaux pourvu que les deux cartes couvrent le prix d’achat total. Il n’est pas possible de jumeler la valeur de plusieurs cartes-cadeaux afin d’en obtenir une seule. La eCarte-cadeau Air Canada ne peut être utilisée aux comptoirs dans les aéroports.
The Air Canada® Gift Card gives the freedom to fly to any of Air Canada's destinations worldwide and can be used to purchase a flight or to pay for a variety of travel options, advance seat selection, change fees and more! You can also use the Air Canada Gift Cards to book your next flight-inclusive holiday with Air Canada Vacations®.
For Air Canada ticket purchases, you can use up to two (2) Gift Cards on a single booking provided that the total cost of the ticket purchase is covered fully by the two (2) gift cards. When purchasing a seat or travel option for an existing reservation, only one (1) form of payment will be accepted. For the purchase of Air Canada Vacations flight-inclusive packages, you can use up to two (2) gift cards provided that the total cost of the package purchase is covered fully by the two (2) gift cards. The value of multiple gift cards cannot be consolidated onto a single card. Air Canada eGiftCards cannot be redeemed at airport counters.
Air Canada n'est pas un sponsor des récompenses ou autrement affilié à cette compagnie. Les logos et autres marques d'identification sont des marques de commerce et appartiennent à chaque société représentée et / ou à ses sociétés affiliées. S'il vous plaît visitez le site Web de chaque entreprise pour les termes et conditions supplémentaires.
Air Canada is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this company. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Give Airbnb—amazing places to stay and things to do, all around the world.
Give the perfect getaway—everything from lakeside cabins to secluded beach houses to apartments in the heart of the city.
Give immersive Experiences, from guided tours to lessons to tastings, led by local experts.
Airbnb gift cards never expire.
Use to book stays or Experiences; spend all at once or apply to multiple bookings.
Funds do not expire. No fees apply to purchase/activation of Card. Redeemable by U.S. residents, not including residents of U.S. territories and possessions, for merchandise and services on airbnb.com only. The Card is non-reloadable and, except where required by law, cannot be redeemed for cash, refunded, or returned. Treat this Card as cash; issuer is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen cards, or for unauthorized use. Issued by Airbnb Payments, Inc. Terms apply and are subject to change without notice; visit airbnb.com/terms/gift_cards for current terms, conditions, and limitations.
Give Airbnb.
Amazing places to stay
and things to do,
all around the world.
Card balance does not expire. No fees apply to purchase or activate this Card. Redeemable by Australian residents towards the purchase of eligible goods and services on the Airbnb website and app. Use requires an Airbnb account. Card is non-reloadable and cannot be redeemed for cash, refunded, returned or resold, except where required by law. Issuer is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen cards, or for unauthorised use. View Card balance by signing in to your Airbnb account. Issued by Airbnb Ireland UC. Terms apply, see airbnb.com.au/terms/au_gift_cards.
Verschenke einzigartige Aufenthalte weltweit – mit Airbnb.
Verschenke die perfekte Auszeit – von
Blockhütten am Seeufer über einsame Strandhäuser
bis zu Wohnungen im Stadtzentrum.
Airbnb-Geschenkkarten verfallen nicht.
Buche damit Aufenthalte – du entscheidest, ob du alles auf einmal ausgeben oder es auf mehrere Buchungen verteilen möchtest.
Give the gift of unique stays worldwide – with Airbnb.
Give the gift of the perfect break – from
Lakefront log cabins to secluded beach houses
to apartments in the city center.
Airbnb gift cards do not expire.
Use it to book stays – you decide whether you want to spend everything at once or spread it across multiple bookings.
Airbnb sponsert weder die Prämien, noch steht man mit diesem Unternehmen in Verbindung. Die beigefügten Logos und anderen Erkennungszeichen sind Marken und Eigentum des jeweiligen Unternehmens und/oder seiner Tochtergesellschaften. Bitte besuchen Sie die Website des jeweiligen Unternehmens, um mehr zu den Nutzungsbedingungen zu erfahren.
Airbnb is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Geweldige accommodaties over de hele wereld.
Des logements incroyables, partout dans le monde.
Unglaubliche Unterkünfte auf der ganzen Welt.
Incredible accommodations, all over the world.
Airbnb is geen sponsor van de beloningen en niet anderszins verbonden met het beloningsprogramma. De bijgevoegde logo's en andere herkenningstekens zijn handelsmerken en eigendom van elk vertegenwoordigd bedrijf en/of zijn filialen. Bezoek de website van elk bedrijf voor aanvullende voorwaarden.
Airbnb n'est pas un sponsor des récompenses ou autrement affilié au programme de récompenses. Les logos et autres marques d'identification ci-jointes sont des marques déposées de chaque société représentée et/ou de ses affiliés et leur appartiennent. Veuillez consulter le site Web de chaque entreprise pour connaître les conditions supplémentaires.
Airbnb sponsert weder die Prämien, noch steht man mit diesem Unternehmen in Verbindung. Die beigefügten Logos und anderen Erkennungszeichen sind Marken und Eigentum des jeweiligen Unternehmens und/oder seiner Tochtergesellschaften. Bitte besuchen Sie die Website des jeweiligen Unternehmens, um mehr zu den Nutzungsbedingungen zu erfahren.
Airbnb is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Airbnb en cadeau. Là où aller pour ne pas s’ennuyer dans le monde entier.
Give Airbnb. Amazing places to stay and things to do, all around the world.
Le solde de la carte n'a pas de date d'expiration. Il n'y a pas de frais d'achat ou d'activation de la carte. Les résidents canadiens peuvent l'utiliser pour acheter des biens et des services admissibles sur le site et l'appli Airbnb. Un compte Airbnb est nécessaire. La carte n'est pas rechargeable et, sauf lorsque la loi l'exige, ne peut être remboursée, retournée, revendue ou échangée contre de l'argent. L'émetteur n'est pas responsable en cas de vol, de perte, d'endommagement ou d'utilisation non autorisée de la carte. Pour obtenir des informations sur la carte ou son solde, connectez-vous à votre compte Airbnb ou appelez 1-866-393-3393. Émetteur : Airbnb Ireland UC. D'autres conditions s'appliquent. Pour en savoir plus, consultez fr.airbnb.ca/terms/ca_giftcards.
Card balance does not expire. No fees apply to purchase or to activate this Card. Redeemable by Canadian residents toward the purchase of eligible goods and services on the Airbnb website and app. Use requires an Airbnb account. Card is non-reloadable and, except where required by law, cannot be redeemed for cash, refunded, returned, or resold. Issuer is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen cards, or for unauthorized use. Obtain Card information and balance by signing in to your Airbnb account or by calling 1-866-393-3393. Issued by Airbnb Ireland UC. Terms apply, see airbnb.ca/terms/ca_gift_cards.
Des logements incroyables et des expériences uniques, partout dans le monde. Offrez des escapades parfaites dans des lieux uniques : une cabane au bord d'un lac, une maison sur la plage ou un appartement au cœur de la ville... Offrez des expériences authentiques proposées par des experts locaux : visites guidées, ateliers ou dégustations... Les cartes cadeaux Airbnb n’expirent jamais. Utilisez-les en une ou plusieurs fois pour réserver des séjours ou des expériences.
Incredible homes and unique experiences, anywhere in the world. Offer perfect getaways in unique places: a cabin by the lake, a house on the beach or an apartment in the heart of the city... Offer authentic experiences offered by local experts: guided tours, workshops or tastings... Airbnb gift cards never expire. Use them once or several times to book stays or experiences.
Airbnb n'est pas un sponsor des récompenses ou autrement affilié au programme de récompenses. Les logos et autres marques d'identification ci-jointes sont des marques déposées de chaque société représentée et/ou de ses affiliés et leur appartiennent. Veuillez consulter le site Web de chaque entreprise pour connaître les conditions supplémentaires.
Airbnb is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Verschenke einzigartige Aufenthalte und fantastische Aktivitäten auf der ganzen Welt – mit Airbnb.
Give the gift of unique stays and amazing activities around the world with Airbnb.
Airbnb Germany non è uno sponsor dei premi o comunque affiliato a questo programma di ricompensa. I loghi e gli altri marchi identificativi allegati sono marchi e proprietà di ciascuna società rappresentata e / o delle sue affiliate. Per ulteriori termini e condizioni, visitare il sito Web di ciascuna società.
Airbnb Germany is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Alloggi unici e attività fantastichein tutto il mondo.
Unique accommodations and fantastic activities around the world.
Airbnb Italy non è uno sponsor dei premi o comunque affiliato a questo programma di ricompensa. I loghi e gli altri marchi identificativi allegati sono marchi e proprietà di ciascuna società rappresentata e / o delle sue affiliate. Per ulteriori termini e condizioni, visitare il sito Web di ciascuna società.
Airbnb Italy is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Regala increíbles espacios y experiencias Airbnb en todo el mundo. Regala la escapada perfecta: cabañas a orillas de un lago, casas en playas recónditas o departamentos en el corazón de la ciudad, ¡lo tenemos todo!. No regales viajes, regala experiencias: tours con guía, clases y degustaciones organizadas por expertos locales. Úsalas para reservar estancias o experiencias; gasta todo a la vez o aplícalas en varias reservaciones.
Give away incredible Airbnb spaces and experiences around the world. Give the gift of the perfect getaway: cabins on the shores of a lake, houses on hidden beaches or apartments in the heart of the city, we have it all! Don't give away trips, give away experiences: guided tours, classes and tastings organized by local experts. Use them to book stays or experiences; Spend everything at once or apply them to multiple reservations.
Airbnb no es patrocinador de las recompensas ni tampoco está afiliado al programa de recompensas. Los logotipos y otras marcas identificativas son marcas registradas y pertenecen a la compañía que representan y/o a sus afiliados. Por favor, para conocer los términos y condiciones, visita la web de cada empresa.
Airbnb is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Doe Airbnb cadeau: geweldige accommodaties over de hele wereld.
Doe het ideale verblijf cadeau, zoals
een blokhut aan het meer, een huisje aan zee
of een appartement midden in de stad.
Een Airbnb-cadeaubon verloopt nooit.
Te gebruiken voor accommodaties. Naar keuze in één keer of gespreid te besteden.
Give the gift of Airbnb: great places to stay around the world.
Give the gift of the ideal stay, such as
a log cabin by the lake, a cottage by the sea
or an apartment in the middle of the city.
An Airbnb gift card never expires.
To be used for accommodations. Can be spent in one go or spread out according to your choice.
Airbnb is geen sponsor van de beloningen en niet anderszins verbonden met het beloningsprogramma. De bijgevoegde logo's en andere herkenningstekens zijn handelsmerken en eigendom van elk vertegenwoordigd bedrijf en/of zijn filialen. Bezoek de website van elk bedrijf voor aanvullende voorwaarden.
Airbnb is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Gift Airbnb—amazing places to stay and
things to do, all around the world.
Gift the perfect getaway—everything from
lakeside cabins to secluded beach houses
to apartments in the heart of the city.
Gift immersive experiences, from guided tours to lessons to tastings, led by local experts.
Airbnb gift cards never expire.
Use it to book homes or Experiences; spend all at once or apply it to multiple bookings.
Airbnb is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Alojamientos increíbles y experiencias fascinantes en todo el mundo.
Incredible accommodations and fascinating experiences around the world.
Airbnb Spain no patrocina las recompensas ni está afiliado al programa de recompensas. Los logotipos y otras marcas de identificación adjuntas son marcas comerciales y son propiedad de cada empresa representada y / o sus filiales. Visite el sitio web de cada empresa para obtener términos y condiciones adicionales.
Airbnb Spain is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
AirlineGiftは、世界最高の航空会社のギフトカードとオンライン旅行予約のセレクションを提供しています。 世界のほぼすべての場所へのフライトを予約するための450の航空会社のユニークな選択。 AirlineGiftでは、デルタ航空、アメリカン航空、ユナイテッド航空、ブリティッシュ・エアライン エアウェイズ、カンタス航空、エールフランス航空、KLMオランダ航空、サウスウエスト航空、エアカナダ、エミレーツ航空、エティハド航空、キャセイパシフィック航空などの旅行ブランドを取り扱っています。 シンガポール航空をはじめ、何百もの信頼できるトラベルパートナーがご利用いただけます。 AirlineGiftでは、2枚のカードでの支払いが可能なオンライン分割払いのユニークな機能を提供しています。 へご購入手続きを完了すると、すぐにボーナス旅行特典が受けられます。
AirlineGift offers the world's best airlines gift card and online travel booking selection with a unique choice of 450 Airlines to book a flight to almost anywhere in the world. AirlineGift offers travel brands such as Delta Airlines, American Airlines, United Airlines, British Airways, Qantas, Air France, KLM, Southwest Airlines, Air Canada, Emirates, Etihad, Cathay Pacific, Singapore Airlines and hundreds of other trusted travel partners. AirlineGift provides a unique feature of online split payments allowing you to use two payment cards to complete your purchase transaction with instant bonus travel rewards.
AirlineGift は、報酬のスポンサーではなく、報酬プログラムと提携していません。ロゴおよびその他の識別マークは、代表する各企業および/またはその関連会社の商標であり、各企業および/またはその関連会社が所有しています。その他の諸条件については、各会社の Web サイトをご覧ください。
AirlineGift is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
AirlineGift에서 제공하는 특별히 엄선한 450개의 항공사를 포함한 세계 최고의 항공사 기프트 카드와 온라인 여행 예약 상품을 사용하면 전 세계 거의 모든 도착지로 가는 항공편을 예약할 수 있습니다. AirlineGift는 Delta Airlines, American Airlines, United Airlines, British Airways, Qantas, Air France, KLM, Southwest Airlines, Air Canada, Emirates, Etihad, Cathy Pacific, Singapore Airlines 등 수백에 이르는 신뢰받는 여행 파트너와 계약을 맺고 있습니다. AirlineGift는 결제 카드 두 개를 사용하여 구매 거래를 완료하고 보너스 여행 리워드를 즉시 받을 수 있는 독특한 온라인 분할 결제 기능을 제공합니다.
AirlineGift offers the world’s best airlines gift card and online travel booking selection with a unique choice of 450 Airlines to book a flight to almost anywhere in the world. AirlineGift offers travel brands such as Delta Airlines, American Airlines, United Airlines, British Airways, Qantas, Air France, KLM, Southwest Airlines, Air Canada, Emirates, Etihad, Cathay Pacific, Singapore Airlines and hundreds of other trusted travel partners. AirlineGift provides a unique feature of online split payments allowing you to use two payment cards to complete your purchase transaction with instant bonus travel rewards.
AirlineGift 는 보상의 스폰서가 아니며 보상 프로그램과 제휴하지 않았습니다. 첨부된 로고 및 기타 식별 표시는 각 대표 회사 및/또는 그 계열사가 보유한 상표입니다. 추가 사용 약관은 각 회사의 웹사이트를 방문해 확인하세요.
AirlineGift is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Ajio is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Akademibokhandeln Presentkort! Böcker ger ofta skäl till avkoppling och utveckling. Akademibokhandeln är landets största bokhandelskedja med över 100 fysiska butiker som är fyllda med inspirerande läsupplevelser för livets alla skeden. I butikerna finns även ett brett utbud av kontorsmaterial, kreativt pyssel, roliga spel och leksaker. Dessutom inspirerar Akademibokhandeln till läsglädje genom spännande författarsamtal, handskrivna boktips från personalen och topplistor som hjälper dig hitta rätt böcker för just dig
Akademibokhandeln Gift card! Books often provide reasons for relaxation and development. Akademibokhandeln is the country's largest bookstore chain with over 100 physical stores that are filled with inspiring reading experiences for all stages of life. The stores also offer a wide range of office supplies, creative crafts, fun games and toys. In addition, Akademibokhandeln inspires the joy of reading through exciting author talks, handwritten book tips from the staff and top lists that help you find the right books for you
Akademibokhandeln är inte sponsor ay beloningama eller pà annat sätt associerat med beloningsprogrammet. Logotyper och andra Identiferande mar ken som pitogas ar varumärken sor lillhör osn àos av de reoresenterace förelagen och/eller desc dotteroolac. Du hittar viterligare mliker oa vario foretaos weoodlats.
Akademibokhandeln is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Albertsons Companies stores are leaders in the grocery industry and present a gift card offering value and convenience! Our gift card is accepted at over 2,000 store locations in the US. For your convenience, Albertsons Companies gift cards can also be redeemed in our family of stores Albertsons, Safeway, Randalls, Tom Thumb, Pavilions, Vons, Carrs, Shaw’s, Star Markets, Jewel-Osco, Acme Markets, Lucky, Haggen, Andronico’s, Kings, and Balducci’s.
Albertsons Companies is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Jaringan toko swalayan yang memiliki banyak cabang di Indonesia. Gerai ini umumnya menjual berbagai produk makanan, minuman dan barang kebutuhan hidup lainnya. Lebih dari 200 produk makanan dan barang kebutuhan hidup lainnya tersedia dengan harga bersaing, memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen sehari-hari.
Supermarket chain that has many branches in Indonesia. The outlets generally sell a variety of food, beverage and other living necessities. More than 200 food products and other living necessities are available at competitive prices, to fulfill the daily needs of consumers.
Alfamart bukan sponsor hadiah atau berafiliasi dengan program hadiah. Logo dan tanda pengenal lainnya yang dilampirkan adalah merek dagang dari
dan dimiliki oleh masing-masing perusahaan yang diwakili dan/atau afiliasinya. Silakan kunjungi situs web masing-masing perusahaan untuk mengetahui
syarat dan ketentuan tambahan.
Alfamart is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks
of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Recognized as the most comfortable shoes in the world, Allbirds has proven that comfort, style and durability can go together with sustainability.
Allbirds is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Allegro to jedna z największych firm handlowych w Polsce i w Europie oparta na nowoczesnych technologiach.
Allegro.pl is a marketplace platform with over 100k seller accounts, 100m active offers and 6m active users each day. Allegro covers about 45% of all polish e-commerce trade. We deliver the widest range of offers and the best customer experience in all polish e-market.
Allegro.pl nie jest sponsorem nagród ani w żaden inny sposób związany z tym programem nagród. Dołączone logo i inne znaki identyfikacyjne są znakami towarowymi i stanowią własność każdej reprezentowanej firmy i / lub jej spółek zależnych. Odwiedź stronę internetową każdej firmy, aby uzyskać dodatkowe warunki.
Allegro.pl is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Alltricks, votre spécialiste Vélo, Running & Outdoor - Plus de 600 marques de sport parmi les plus grandes (Garmin, Nike, Shimano, Trek, Mavic, Asics, Patagonia, Millet etc.). Découvrez-vite notre offre et profitez de l'expertise et des meilleurs prix !
Alltricks, your specialist in Cycling, Running & Outdoor - More than 600 of the biggest sports brands (Garmin, Nike, Shimano, Trek, Mavic, Asics, Patagonia, Millet etc.). Discover our offer now and take advantage of our expertise and the best prices!
Alltricks n'est pas un sponsor des récompenses ou autrement affilié au programme de récompenses. Les logos et autres marques d'identification ci-jointes sont des marques déposées de chaque société représentée et/ou de ses affiliés et leur appartiennent. Veuillez consulter le site Web de chaque entreprise pour connaître les conditions supplémentaires.
Alltricks is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Біз электроника және технология саласы бойынша сарапшымыз, сізге еліміздің кез келген аймағында жоғары сапада қызмет көрсету арқылы әділ бағамен дұрыс таңдау жасауыңызға көмектесеміз.
We are experts in the world of electronics and technology, we offer you to make the right choice at fair prices with first-class service, anywhere in our country.
Компания Alser.kz не является спонсором вознаграждений и никаким иным образом не связана с программой вознаграждений. Прилагаемые логотипы и другие опознавательные знаки являются торговыми марками и принадлежат каждой из представленных компаний и/или их филиалам. Пожалуйста, посетите веб-сайт каждой компании для ознакомления с дополнительными условиями и положениями.
Alser.kz is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Altınyıldız classic bir Erkek giyim mağazasıdır ve Türkiye'de toplam 192 mağaza mevcuttur.
Altınyıldız Classic is a Men's clothing store and has a total of 192 stores in Turkey.
Altinyildiz Classic nie jest sponsorem nagród ani w żaden inny sposób związany z tym programem nagród. Dołączone logo i inne znaki identyfikacyjne są znakami towarowymi i stanowią własność każdej reprezentowanej firmy i / lub jej spółek zależnych. Odwiedź stronę internetową każdej firmy, aby uzyskać dodatkowe warunki.
Altinyildiz Classic is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Multinationaler Online-Marktplatz für Computer und Elektronik
Multinational computer and electronics online marketplace
Alza sponsert weder die Prämien, noch steht man mit diesem Unternehmen in Verbindung. Die beigefügten Logos und anderen Erkennungszeichen sind Marken und Eigentum des jeweiligen Unternehmens und/oder seiner Tochtergesellschaften. Bitte besuchen Sie die Website des jeweiligen Unternehmens, um mehr zu den Nutzungsbedingungen zu erfahren.
Alza is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Nemzetközi számítógépes és elektronikai e-kereskedelmi piactér 148 "AlzaBox" kiszállítási helyszínnel országszerte.
International computer and electronics e-commerce marketplace with 148 "AlzaBox" delivery sites across nationwide.
A Alza nem szponzorálja a jutalomprogramot, és más módon sem kapcsolódik a jutalomprogramhoz. A mellékelt emblémák és egyéb azonosító jelek az egyes képviselt vállalatok és/vagy azok kapcsolt vállalkozásainak védjegyei és azok tulajdonát képezik. Kérjük, látogasson el az egyes vállalatok weboldalára a további feltételekért és kikötésekért.
Alza is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Alì è una catena italiana di supermercati, ipermercati e centri commerciali presente in Veneto e in Emilia Romagna. La forza di Alì è ricreare, all'interno del supermercato, l'alto livello di servizio del classico negozio di alimentari.
Alì is an Italian chain of supermarkets, hypermarkets and shopping centers present in Veneto and Emilia Romagna. The strength of Alì is to recreate, inside the supermarket, the high level of service of the classic grocery store.
Ali&Aliper non è uno sponsor dei premi né è altrimenti affiliato al programma di premi. I loghi e altri segni identificativi allegati sono marchi di fabbrica e di proprietà di ciascuna società rappresentata e/o delle sue affiliate. Si prega di visitare il sito Web di ciascuna azienda per ulteriori termini e condizioni.
Ali&Aliper is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
With decades of experience, amante is dedicated to creating intimate wear that perfectly blends comfort, fashion and thoughtful design. By understanding the South Asian woman, amante designs intimate wear tailored to her unique silhouette, style, and shape. The brand has crafted a range of intimate wear offering a wide range of fashionable lingerie, nightwear, swimwear and activewear to complement her fashion- forward lifestyle. Whether you are looking for a bra for everyday comfort or styling an outfit for a special occasion or even a new swimsuit that's perfect for your vacation, amante is your complete one-stop intimate wear destination.
Amazin' Graze is an Asian purveyor of fun, yummy and healthy snacks. All of our products are handmade and freshly baked in our central kitchen. We value health as an important asset to every individual, be it diet or fitness. Hence, we hold tight to ensuring our products are natural, healthy and delicious!
يمكنك استخدام بطاقة الهدايا Amazon.com* للحصول على الكتب والأجهزة الإلكترونية والموسيقى والمزيد. يعد موقع الويب Amazon.com المكان المثالي للعثور على أي شيء تريد شراءه عبر الإنترنت واستكشافه بسعرٍ رائع.
Use your Amazon.com Gift Card* towards Books, Electronics, Music, and more. The Amazon.com web site is the place to find and discover almost any thing you want to buy online at a great price.
Amazon ليست راعية للمكافآت أو تنتسب لبرنامج المكافآت بطريقة أخرى. تعد الشعارات وعلامات التعريف الأخرى المرفقة علامات تجارية مملوكة لكل شركة يجري تمثيلها و/أو الشركات التابعة لها. يُرجى زيارة موقع كل شركة للاطلاع على الشروط والأحكام الإضافية.
Amazon is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Global e-ticaret satış ve pazaryeri sağlayıcısı.
Global e-commerce retailer and marketplace.
Amazon ödüllerin sponsoru değildir veya bu ödül programına başka bir şekilde bağlı değildir. Ekli logolar ve diğer tanımlayıcı markalar, temsil edilen her bir şirketin ve / veya bağlı şirketlerinin ticari markalarıdır ve ona aittir. Ek hüküm ve koşullar için lütfen her şirketin web sitesini ziyaret edin.
Amazon is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
يتوفر لدى Amazon.ae تشكيلة كبيرة تشمل منتجات من الكتب، والإلكترونيات، والموسيقى، وتنزيلات MP3، وأقراص DVD، والملابس، وألعاب الفيديو، والبرمجيات، والملابس الرياضة وملابس الخروج، ولعب الأطفال، وأجهزة الكمبيوتر والمكاتب، ومنتجات المنزل والحديقة، والمجوهرات، ومستحضرات التجميل، والهواتف الخلوية والإكسسوارات، وتحسين المنزل، ومنتجات مكتبية، والكاميرات والصور، ومستلزمات الحيوانات الأليفة، وغيرها المزيد. يعتبر Amazon.com هو المكان المناسب للعثور على أي شيء تريد شراءه عبر الإنترنت تقريبًا واكتشافه بسعر رائع.
Amazon.ae has a huge selection that includes products in Books, Electronics, Music, MP3 Downloads, DVD, Clothing, Video Games, Software, Sports & Outdoors, Toys, Baby, Computers & Office, Home & Garden, Jewelry, Beauty, Cell Phones & Accessories, Home Improvement, Office Products, Camera & Photo, Pet Supplies, and more. Amazon.com is the place to find and discover almost anything you want to buy online at a great price.
Amazon.Ae ليست راعية للمكافآت أو تنتسب لبرنامج المكافآت بطريقة أخرى. تعد الشعارات وعلامات التعريف الأخرى المرفقة علامات تجارية مملوكة لكل شركة يجري تمثيلها و/أو الشركات التابعة لها. يُرجى زيارة موقع كل شركة للاطلاع على الشروط والأحكام الإضافية.
Amazon.Ae is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.
Les Chèques-Cadeaux Amazon.ca* peuvent être utilisés pour des millions d’articles sur www.amazon.ca et propose une immense sélection de livres, produits électroniques, musique, téléchargements MP3, films et TV, vêtements, jeux vidéo, logiciels, sports & activités de plein air, jouets, articles de puériculture, ordinateurs & bureautique, maison & jardin, bijoux, beauté, bricolage et décoration d’intérieur, produits de bureau, vidéo & photo, accessoires pour animaux et bien d’autres choses encore. Amazon.ca est le site où trouver et acheter en ligne à un excellent prix quasiment tout ce que vous voulez.
Amazon.ca Gift Certificates* never expire and can be redeemed towards millions of items at www.amazon.ca and certain of its affiliated websites. Amazon.ca's huge selection includes products in Books, Electronics, Music, Movies & TV Shows, Video Games, Software, Home & Garden, Sports & Outdoors, Kitchen & Dining, Computer & PC Hardware, Watches, Home Appliances, Office Products, Camera & Photo, Pet Supplies, and more. Amazon.ca is the place to find and discover almost anything you want to buy online at a great price.
*Amazon n’est pas un sponsor de cette promotion. Les Chèques-Cadeaux Amazon.ca (CC) sont utilisables seulement sur les produits éligibles vendus sur Amazon.ca. Les politiques de retour des produits sont disponibles sur Amazon.ca. Excepté dans les cas prévus par la loi, les CC ne peuvent pas être rechargés, revendus, cédés en échange d’une contrepartie, échangés contre de l’argent liquide ou appliqués à un autre compte. Pour voir votre de solde de CC, ou pour toute autre information sur votre CC, consultez la page « Votre Compte » sur Amazon.ca ou contactez-nous sur www.amazon.ca/contact-us. Les CC ne peuvent pas être utilisés pour acheter d’autres CC. Amazon n’est pas responsable si un CC est perdu, volé, détruit ou utilisé sans votre permission. Pour voir les Modalités complètes, consultez la page www.amazon.ca/gc-legal. Les CC sont émis par Amazon.ca, Inc., société du Delaware. Tous les ®, TM et © Amazon sont la propriété intellectuelle d'Amazon.com ou ses filiales. Pas de date d’expiration ou de frais.
*Amazon.ca is not a sponsor of this promotion. Amazon.ca Gift Certificates ("GCs") are redeemable only for eligible products on Amazon.ca. Return policies for products are available on Amazon.ca. Except as required by law, GCs cannot be reloaded, resold, transferred for value, redeemed for cash or applied to any other account. To view a GC balance or for more information about your GC, visit "Your Account" on Amazon.ca or contact us at www.amazon.ca/contact-us. GCs cannot be used to purchase other GCs. Amazon is not responsible if a GC is lost, stolen, destroyed or used without permission. For complete terms and conditions, see www.amazon.ca/gc-legal. GCs are issued by Amazon.ca, Inc., a Delaware corporation. All Amazon ®, ™ & © are IP of Amazon.com or its affiliates. No expiration date or service fees.
Amazon.co.jp ギフト券 * は、www.amazon.co.jpにて数百万種類におよぶアイテムを購入可能なギフト券です。
Amazon.co.jp Gift Certificates* can be redeemed toward millions of items at www.amazon.co.jp.
Amazonギフト券 細則
Amazon Gift Cards Japan株式会社(「当社」)が発行するAmazonギフト券・Amazonショッピングカード(「ギフト券」)のご利用には、http://www.amazon.co.jp (PC・モバイルを含み「アマゾンサイト」)のアカウント作成が必要です。ギフト券は、アマゾンサイトでのみご利用できますが、他のギフト券の購入又はAmazonプライムの年会費の支払等には利用できません。ギフト券の有効期限は各ギフト券に明記される日付の午後11時59分(日本時間)までです。ギフト券の換金・返金等はできません。当社及び当社の関連会社は、ギフト券の紛失・盗難等について一切責任を負いません。ギフト券の残高確認・有効期限等のお問合せは、カスタマーサービス(Tel0120-999-373東京都目黒区下目黒1-8-1 アルコタワーアネックス)までお願いします。詳細は細則(http://www.amazon.co.jp/giftcard/tc)をご覧下さい。
To use Amazon.co.jp gift certificates and Amazon.co.jp shopping cards (“Gift Certificates”) issued by Amazon Gift Cards Japan K.K. (“Amazon GC”), you need to create an account on http://www.amazon.co.jp (including PC and mobile sites. “Amazon Sites”). Gift Certificates can only be redeemed through Amazon Sites, and cannot be used to purchase other Gift Certificates or to pay Amazon Prime annual membership fee. Gift Certificate balance will expire at 11:59 p.m. (Japan Time) of the date specified on each Gift Certificate. Gift Certificates are non-refundable and non-exchangeable. Amazon GC or its affiliates are not responsible if Gift Certificate is lost, stolen, destroyed or used without your permission. If you want to know Gift Certificate balance or have any other questions regarding Gift Certificates, please call Customer Service (TEL: 0120-999-373, Address: Arco Tower Annex, 1-8-1 Shimomeguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-0064, Japan). For more information, please read the full Terms and Conditions of Gift Certificates (http://www.amazon.co.jp/giftcard/tc).
Amazon.co.uk Gift Cards* can be redeemed towards millions of items at www.amazon.co.uk. Amazon.co.uk's huge selection includes products in Books, Electronics, Music, MP3 Downloads, Film & TV, Clothing, Video Games, Software, Sports & Outdoors, Toys, Baby, Computers & Office, Home & Garden, Jewellery, Beauty, DIY & Home Improvement, Office Products, Camera & Photo, Pet Supplies, and more. Amazon.co.uk is the place to find and discover almost anything you want to buy online at a great price.
*Restrictions apply. For complete terms and conditions, visit: www.amazon.co.uk/gc-legal.
Amazon.co.uk Gift Cards* can be redeemed towards millions of items at www.amazon.co.uk. Amazon.co.uk's huge selection includes products in Books, Electronics, Music, MP3 Downloads, Film & TV, Clothing, Video Games, Software, Sports & Outdoors, Toys, Baby, Computers & Office, Home & Garden, Jewellery, Beauty, DIY & Home Improvement, Office Products, Camera & Photo, Pet Supplies, and more. Amazon.co.uk is the place to find and discover almost anything you want to buy online at a great price.
*Restrictions apply. For complete terms and conditions, visit: www.amazon.co.uk/gc-legal.
Amazon Education Assistance Product Vouchers promote both distance learning and in-classroom educational experiences among students and teachers. Once recipients receive their Amazon Product Voucher they simply redeem the product voucher claim code to start purchasing eligible items from the Amazon Education Assistance Product Voucher page. Recipients can check their product voucher balance anytime, combine it with other payment methods, or split the voucher over multiple purchases. Like Amazon.com Gift Cards, Amazon Education Product Vouchers have no expiration date. However, unlike gift cards, these Product Vouchers can only be used to purchase education and wellness focused items.
Restrictions apply, see amazon.com/gc-legal and amazon.com/productvoucher_help.
Amazon Fitness Tracker Product Vouchers are for people looking to measure and achieve their health and fitness goals. Once recipients receive their Amazon Product Voucher they simply redeem the product voucher claim code to start purchasing eligible items from the Amazon Fitness Tracker Product Voucher page. Recipients can check their product voucher balance anytime, combine it with other payment methods, or split the voucher over multiple purchases. Like Amazon.com Gift Cards, Amazon Fitness Tracker Product Vouchers have no expiration date. However, unlike gift cards, these Product Vouchers can only be used to purchase fitness tracker products.
Use of Amazon.com Product Vouchers is subject to Amazon.com Gift Card terms and conditions (see amazon.com/gc-legal) and the restrictions defined on the Product Voucher Help & FAQ page.
Amazon Health & Wellness Product Vouchers (H&W PVs) are similar to Amazon Gift Cards, but are restricted to wellness-focused products to promote healthy living. You can redeem your Amazon H&W PV on everything from fitness apparel and exercise equipment to vitamins and cookbooks! Amazon H&W PVs are flexible and easy to use: split your voucher over multiple purchases, combine it with other payment methods, and check your balance anytime on your Amazon Balance page.
Use of Amazon.com Product Vouchers is subject to Amazon.com Gift Card terms and conditions (see amazon.com/gc-legal) and the restrictions defined on the Product Voucher Help & FAQ page.
Amazon Parenting Essentials Product Vouchers are for assisting new parents and foster care families to purchase childcare products. Once recipients receive their Amazon Product Voucher they simply redeem the product voucher claim code to start purchasing eligible items from the Amazon Parenting Essentials Product Voucher page. Recipients can check their product voucher balance anytime, combine it with other payment methods, or split the voucher over multiple purchases. Like Amazon.com Gift Cards, Amazon Parenting Essentials Product Vouchers have no expiration date. However, unlike gift cards, these Product Vouchers can only be used to purchase essential items for children.
Restrictions apply, see amazon.com/gc-legal and amazon.com/productvoucher_help.
Amazon.com.au Gift Cards can be used to purchase millions of items sold on Amazon.com.au today – from electronics to fashion to appliances and household items. Amazon.com.au Gift Cards can be added to your balance and used as per your convenience.
Restrictions apply, see www.amazon.com.au/gc-legal.
Use su Tarjeta de regalo de Amazon México para libros, electrónica, música y más. El sitio web Amazon.com.mx es el lugar para encontrar y descubrir casi cualquier cosa que desee comprar en línea a un precio excelente.
Use your Amazon.com.mx Gift Card* towards Books, Electronics, Music, and more. The Amazon.com.mx website is the place to find and discover almost anything you want to buy online at a great price.
Para consultar los términos y condiciones visita www.amazon.com.mx/gc-legal.
For complete terms and conditions, visit www.amazon.com.mx/gc-legal.
Amazon.de-Gutscheine können auf www.amazon.de und bestimmten Partner-Websites auf Millionen von Artikeln angerechnet werden. Die riesige Auswahl von Amazon.de umfasst Produkte in den Sparten Bücher, Elektronik, Musik, MP3-Downloads, Film und Fernsehen, Kleidung, VideoGames, Software, Sport & Outdoors, Spielzeug, Baby, Computer und Büro, Haus und Garten, Schmuck, Schönheitspflege, Baumarkt, Bürobedarf, Kamera und Foto, Tierbedarf und mehr. Amazon.de ist der Ort, wo Sie fast alles, was Sie kaufen wollen, preisgünstig online finden und entdecken.
Amazon.de Gift Cards* can be redeemed towards millions of items at www.amazon.de. Amazon.de’s huge selection includes products in Books, Electronics, Music, MP3 Downloads, Film & TV, Clothing, Video Games, Software, Sports & Outdoors, Toys, Baby, Computers & Office, Home & Garden, Jewelry, Beauty, DIY & Home Improvement, Office Products, Camera & Photo, Pet Supplies, and more. Amazon.de is the place to find and discover almost anything you want to buy online at a great price.
*Es gelten Einschränkungen. Die vollständigen Geschäftsbedingungen finden Sie auf: amazon.de/gc-legal.
*Restrictions apply. For complete terms and conditions, visit: amazon.de/gc-legal.
Amazon.de-Gutscheine können auf www.amazon.de und bestimmten Partner-Websites auf Millionen von Artikeln angerechnet werden. Die riesige Auswahl von Amazon.de umfasst Produkte in den Sparten Bücher, Elektronik, Musik, MP3-Downloads, Film und Fernsehen, Kleidung, VideoGames, Software, Sport & Outdoors, Spielzeug, Baby, Computer und Büro, Haus und Garten, Schmuck, Schönheitspflege, Baumarkt, Bürobedarf, Kamera und Foto, Tierbedarf und mehr. Amazon.de ist der Ort, wo Sie fast alles, was Sie kaufen wollen, preisgünstig online finden und entdecken.
Amazon.de Gift Cards* can be redeemed towards millions of items at www.amazon.de. Amazon.de’s huge selection includes products in Books, Electronics, Music, MP3 Downloads, Film & TV, Clothing, Video Games, Software, Sports & Outdoors, Toys, Baby, Computers & Office, Home & Garden, Jewelry, Beauty, DIY & Home Improvement, Office Products, Camera & Photo, Pet Supplies, and more. Amazon.de is the place to find and discover almost anything you want to buy online at a great price.
*Es gelten Einschränkungen. Die vollständigen Geschäftsbedingungen finden Sie auf: amazon.de/gc-legal.
*Restrictions apply. For complete terms and conditions, visit: amazon.de/gc-legal.
Dárkové karty Amazon.de* lze použít na miliony položek na www.amazon.de . Obrovský výběr na Amazon.de zahrnuje knihy, elektroniku, hudbu, MP3 soubory ke stažení, filmy a TV, oblečení, videohry, software, sport a outdoor, hračky, kojenecké zboží, počítače a vybavení kanceláře, dům a zahradu, šperky, kosmetiku, nářadí a domácí potřeby, kancelářské potřeby, fotoaparáty a příslušenství, potřeby pro domácí zvířata a další. Amazon.de je místem, kde najdete a objevíte téměř vše, co chcete koupit online za skvělou cenu.
Amazon.de Gift Cards* can be redeemed towards millions of items at www.amazon.de. Amazon.de’s huge selection includes products in Books, Electronics, Music, MP3 Downloads, Film & TV, Clothing, Video Games, Software, Sports & Outdoors, Toys, Baby, Computers & Office, Home & Garden, Jewelry, Beauty, DIY & Home Improvement, Office Products, Camera & Photo, Pet Supplies, and more. Amazon.de is the place to find and discover almost anything you want to buy online at a great price.
*Platí omezení. Úplné smluvní podmínky naleznete na adrese: amazon.de/gc-legal.
*Restrictions apply. For complete terms and conditions, visit: amazon.de/gc-legal.
Amazon.de-Gutscheine können auf www.amazon.de und bestimmten Partner-Websites auf Millionen von Artikeln angerechnet werden. Die riesige Auswahl von Amazon.de umfasst Produkte in den Sparten Bücher, Elektronik, Musik, MP3-Downloads, Film und Fernsehen, Kleidung, VideoGames, Software, Sport & Outdoors, Spielzeug, Baby, Computer und Büro, Haus und Garten, Schmuck, Schönheitspflege, Baumarkt, Bürobedarf, Kamera und Foto, Tierbedarf und mehr. Amazon.de ist der Ort, wo Sie fast alles, was Sie kaufen wollen, preisgünstig online finden und entdecken.
Amazon.de Gift Cards* can be redeemed towards millions of items at www.amazon.de. Amazon.de’s huge selection includes products in Books, Electronics, Music, MP3 Downloads, Film & TV, Clothing, Video Games, Software, Sports & Outdoors, Toys, Baby, Computers & Office, Home & Garden, Jewelry, Beauty, DIY & Home Improvement, Office Products, Camera & Photo, Pet Supplies, and more. Amazon.de is the place to find and discover almost anything you want to buy online at a great price.
*Es gelten Einschränkungen. Die vollständigen Geschäftsbedingungen finden Sie auf: amazon.de/gc-legal.
*Restrictions apply. For complete terms and conditions, visit: amazon.de/gc-legal.
The merchants represented are not sponsors of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with Tango Card, Inc. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company’s website for additional terms and conditions.
buybuy BABY® is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company’s website for additional terms and conditions.
The Dunkin’ Donuts trademarks/trade dress are owned by DD IP Holder LLC and used under license. Dunkin’ Donuts is not a sponsor of this promotion.
The Starbucks word mark and the Starbucks Logo are trademarks of Starbucks Corporation. Starbucks is also the owner of the Copyrights in the Starbucks Logo and the Starbucks Card designs. All rights reserved. Starbucks is not a participating partner or sponsor in this offer.
Target and the Bullseye Design are registered trademarks of Target Brands, Inc. Terms and conditions are applied to gift cards. Target is not a participating partner in or sponsor of this offer.
*This company is not affiliated with The Home Depot®. The Home Depot® is not a sponsor of this promotion. The Home Depot® is a registered trademark of Home Depot Product Authority, LLC.
This company is not affiliated with Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., Wal-Mart Stores Arkansas, LLC, Walmart.com or any of their affiliates. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., Wal-Mart Stores Arkansas, LLC, Walmart.com and their affiliates do not endorse or sponsor this reward program’s services, products, or activities.See www.walmart.com/giftcardtermsandconditions for complete gift card terms and conditions.